BOOK GIVEAWAY - Internal Vanity

BOOK GIVEAWAY - Internal Vanity: Perception, Deception, and The Blackest Truth

Synopsis: Vanity, Diana, Becky and Naomi. Four adopted sisters from a small northeast Texas town become everything they wanted to be: an iconic songstress, a high powered media mogul, a goddess of beauty, and an artist respectively. Well into their 40’s, each of these dynamic African American women find themselves at a crossroads when the youngest sister and world‘s greatest diva Vanity Black decides to pen her explosive autobiography. Known as the most beautiful woman that ever lived, the black-skinned diva Caucasian benchmarks to become a beauty,fashion, and musical icon. But her philosophical and unpopular perspectives on beauty, gender, Racial Addiction and what she calls “The Symbolic Face of Power” would ultimately cast her to hell on earth as The Most Hated Woman On Earth. However, her eccentric sister, the notorious Diana Black, seeks to use her own charismatic genius and manipulative PR skills to bring her back from the brink. Her plans are only further complicated when their identity challenged sister, Becky Black, reveals a scientific breakthrough to rid the world of dark skin and kinky hair. Worlds collide in a brutal battle of love and hate as each sister is forced to confront personal demons lurking in the misty haze of a complex past extending far beyond their births. With surprise visits from “The Ultimate Artist”, it is the journey to the completion of Vanity Black’s autobiography and the polar opposite release of Becky Black’s discovery that will force the world to take an honest inventory of itself and discover “The Blackest Truth”.

To enter these giveaway, follow these three steps:

1. View the video "The Most Hated Woman on Earth"

2.  After watching the video, reply to this post answering this question: "What do you think The Blackest Truth is?" 

3. You must be a follow of this blog (Naturally Beautiful Hair Blog), and also go to and follow their blog.

The  Internal Vanity book giveaway ends March 3rd at 10 pm. The winner will be announced March 5st. The giveaway is being offered for U.S. residents only.
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